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Italian Language School in Verona

Наша школа итальянского языка расположена в потрясающем здании XIX в., на тихой улице в нескольких метрах от Арены, что создает идеальное обрамление для того, чтобы в полной мере насладиться гостеприимством и элегантностью Вероны изаниматься итальянским языком в приятной атмосфере.

Школа находится в 20 минутах ходьбы от центрального вокзала; такое стратегическое расположение позволяет студентам пешком добраться за короткий отрезок времени как до историко-культурных достопримечательностей (Арена, Пьяцца Бра, дом Джульетты, Кастельвеккио), так и до самых элегантных променадов с магазинами, веронскими барами, традиционными трактирами и ресторанами.

Все классы нашей школы просторные и светлые, они идеальны для групп из 8-10 человек. После занятий студенты встречаются в комнате отдыха, где можно выпить кофе, перекусить или бесплатно воспользоваться Интернетом в нашем InternetPoint. Кроме того, вся школа находится в сети беспроводного доступа к Интернет, поэтому со своего компьютера к Интернету можно подключиться в любом классе.

В нашей школе нет недостатка в культурных мероприятиях: каждую неделю в кинозале проходит показ старых и современных итальянских фильмов. Здесь студенты и преподаватели собираются, чтобы посмотреть и обсудить шедевры киноискусства.

Желающие посмотреть наши фильмы дома могут бесплатно брать их напрокат благодаря студенческому удостоверению, которое дает доступ также к нашей библиотеке.



Школа итальянского языка и культуры InClasse возникла благодаря союзу группы преподавателей, которые, накопив многолетний опыт в преподавании итальянского языка как иностранного, решили создать новую реальность, которая соответствует их представлению о преподавании – создать в школе семейную атмосферу, в которую студенты погружались бы с самого первого дня, не отказываясь при этом от изучения грамматических и лексических языковых структур.

Для нас в InClasse важна динамичность и активное участие преподавателя как на занятиях, так и на всех остальных мероприятиях, которые предлагает школа: от познавательных экскурсий до совместных ужинов.

Компетентность и опыт наших преподавателей итальянского для нас фундаментальны: все преподаватели школы являются носителями языка, все окончили университет по гуманитарному профилю, владеют тремя или более иностранными языками и имеют большой опыт преподавания итальянского как в Италии так и за рубежом. Все наши преподаватели работают со всеми категориями учащихся – дети, подростки, взрослые и пожилые; иммигранты, студенты ВУЗов, менеджеры, специалисты в разных областях и др







Teachers at InClasse are all native speakers and are all highly dedicated to their work and preparation: this is why they base their methods on modern teaching ideas and are always up to date with new theories.

Their communicative approach takes into account the needs (linguistic and communicative) and motivation of the students, considering also the requirements and rhythm of learning. That’s why the number of students per group is very small (maximum 8) and the progress of each student is checked regularly by end of level tests.

The teachers believe that the recreational aspect of the lessons is very important. Students can learn in a relaxed atmosphere without feeling “judged” and they become aware of their role in the learning process, via role plays, educational games and communicative activities which allow them to use the language in a natural way. The lessons are carried out in a fun and interactive style in which the students are stimulated to use the language and where grammar is applied in a functional and deductive way according to the area of linguistic study the teacher wishes to develop.

In the organisation of a teaching unit, the specially adapted materials for each course are used in conjunction with modern text books, aiming to consolidate the language acquired, to revise areas you might have forgotten and to enable rapid progress in learning. Given that the materials we use are all authentic and widely varied, the student is able to acquire a style of language that is not “text book” but instead the everyday language that they will meet on the street.

In the choice of teaching materials, the teachers have placed a lot of importance on technology, believing that it’s a strong motivational catalyst and that also forums, chat rooms and interactive spaces have become necessary devices for communication.

Above all one of the most important factors in the successful learning of Italian is the relationship between students: this is why we propose a system of Cooperative Learning, whereby students can interact with each other in order to reach a similar goal and use Italian in a natural way as a means of communication. Activities offered such as cookery and art courses are a great way to develop this natural and fluent use of the Italian language.

For this reason our techniques are based on simulation and educational games in order to make what they learn immediately applicable and effective.


Once accepted by InClasse- School of Italian language and culture the student must agree to the following conditions.


All group lessons last 55 minutes and individual lessons last 60 minutes. The total number of hours of the course includes the entrance test which is obligatory as well as the end of level exam. After a 4 week course it’s not guaranteed that a student can advance to the next level. In the event that only one student enrols in a particular level, the lessons will be converted into individual lessons: the 4 hour group lesson will become 2 hours of one to one tuition.

Age limit

Students under the age of 18 can only attend the school with a written letter of permission from their parents or legal guardian.

National holidays

The school is closed and therefore lessons do not take place and are not re-scheduled during the following holydays: Easter Monday, Liberation day (25 April), Labor Day (1 May), Republic day (2 June), Assumption of the Virgin Mary (15 August), All Saints day (1 November), Immaculate conception (8 December).

Deposit, payment and method of payment

To reserve your place on one of our language courses you are required to pay a deposit of 25% of the total course price. The cost of the course must be paid in full by the first day of school. We accept bank transfers, cash, international cheques and credit cards. Bank fees are paid by the student.

Disclaimers and refunds

if you need to cancel or change the course:

  • Inform us as soon as you can.

Refunds before arrival

  1.   If students cancel their course with 30 days notice, we will refund the full sum.
  2.   If you cancel between 15 and 30 days before the agreed start date, we will refund 50% of the cost.
  3.   We cannot offer any refund with less than 2 weeks notice.

Refunds after arrival

If the student doesn’t take part in the course or interrupts it before  the end, there is no entitlement to a refund. Missed lessons are not able to be rescheduled. Any desired breaks in the course must be planned and agreed with the secretary before the start of the course.


InClasse- school of Italian language and culture can’t be held liable  for losses and damages by students in any way.

InClasse- school of Italian language and culture refuses any liability in the event that a course or service is not available due to reasons beyond the control of the school.

Students will be held responsible for any damage caused to the property.


InClasse- school of Italian language and culture reserves the right to expel students who behave in a seriously antisocial manner. In the event of expulsion there will be no refund.


The school offers a free accommodation finding service to all students enrolled in a course. The school is however exempt from liabilities concerning all matters between the student and the house owner. In case of any complaints, the student can contact the secretary and new accommodation will be found, providing there are serious and justified reasons. All students are required to be sensible and reliable during their stay in their accommodation, any untoward activities could result in expulsion from the accommodation with any refund of expenses incurred. The payment for the accommodation must be paid in cash directly to the owner of the house.

When a student enrols in the school they are agreeing to respect the aforementioned rules and regulations. Any disputes or disagreements will be settled in Verona’s Tribunal Court.

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